Due to global warming, permafrost in the area of Yakutsk might completely thaw by 2040.
This forecast was made by the head of Cryogenic Landscape Laboratory of Permafrost Institute, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Aleksandr Fyodorov, TASS reports. The most vulnerable are densely populated plains that make up 30% of Yakutia, the scientist notes. According to Permafrost Institute, the soil in the republic sinks an average of 10-14 cm per year, which threatens the stability of buildings and structures. "Since the 1980s, the average annual temperature in the region of the city of Yakutsk has risen by 3 degrees," - Fyodorov noted.
- In the central part of the republic there are thermokarst watered lakes, plots of land in degrading places are becoming unusable: it is impossible to build anything, agricultural activities cannot be carried out," - Fyodorov stated. In addition to global warming, deforestation accelerates permafrost thaw. Earlier, another employee of Melnikov Permafrost Institute Vera Samsonova reported that the rate of permafrost thaw in Yakutia is slightly higher. For example, it was predicted that by the middle of 21st century the permafrost could thaw up to 4-5 meters in depth.
Il Tumen is developing a draft federal law on the protection of permafrost. This winter in the north of Yakutia was abnormally warm. Due to heavy snowfall and warm weather in January, ice did not freeze, the winter roads were opened a month later, and the northern delivery seriously fell behind schedule.
Дальний Восток (The Far East)