Russia is not any European, much less Asian civilization; Russia is a real northern civilization! These words were uttered by Fedot Tumusov on March 24 from a rostrum of the State Duma. In his speech to the deputies, he outlined the existing problems of the Arctic and called for more active work on the issues of the Far North.
Low quality of medical care is a priority for residents of the Arctic regions. Telemedicine could be used to help here, especially in the case of remote villages, but a legislative base is needed to implement it, the parliamentarian said.
He also called for a dialogue with large companies working in the Arctic territories to establish links with the local population. The goal of the dialogue should be a common benefit, whereas now only industrialists get advantages.
At the end of the speech Fedot Tumusov spoke about the legal and international aspects of the development of the Arctic. At the moment, the State Duma and the government of the Russian Federation do not pay enough attention to international Arctic communities.
The speech of the deputy was connected with the upcoming Forum, "The Arctic - the Territory of Dialogue," which will be held March 29-30 in Arkhangelsk. The Forum is held with the participation of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin.
The central topic of the Forum in 2017 will be "Man in the Arctic."
The Forum is intended to unite international organizations, state authorities, scientific and business communities from Russia and foreign countries to coordinate approaches to the development of international cooperation, consolidation of efforts to ensure the stable development of the Arctic and improve the living standards of the population in the Arctic territories.
The Arctic and northern areas include 13 regions of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia): Abyisky, Anabarsky, Allaikhovsky, Bulunsky, Verkhnekolymsky, Verkhoyansky, Zhigansky, Momsky, Nizhnekolymsky, Oleneksky, Srednekolymsky, Ust-Yansky, and Eveno-Bytantaisky. Of these, 7 are completely beyond the Arctic Circle, and the territory of the other 6 regions crosses the Arctic Circle.
The main criteria for referring to the Arctic and northern regions of the republic are discomfort of living, the influence of long-term freezing factors of rocks, medical and biological and socioeconomic factors, the integrity of the natural and economic territorial complexes, the connection of the transport system with the Arctic marine areas and the northern rivers flowing into them, the importance of territories for economic growth and ensuring the security of the Arctic zone of Russia.